, November/December, 2023
Martin Fransson
hej (Unlicensed)
Create user-specific standard filters on orders and order rows
Improvement | Backend | Requires support to activate: No |
You can now customize how to display an order by filtering the order lines. You can also make the display faster depending on which filters you use. The filters and view setting can be adjusted to suit your tasks.
In step #1, no orders or order lines are preloaded when the order pages are opened.
In step #2, users can create filters for what to preload. All filters in the order view can be connected to the standard filter. However, it is essential to remember that preloading only takes place on active orders. It is, therefore, not possible to create a standard filter on closed orders.
You can also choose to preload only orders that are not reserved.
Do this:
Create the filter
Name the filter
Select whether it is a standard filter or not
Save the search
Mark it as a standard filter, and the filtered result will be loaded automatically the next time you access this page.
If you want to change the default filter, you can create a new filter, name it and specify that it should be the default.
Create several non-standard filters to switch between them and quickly jump between different search results.
The filter can be easily saved without having to write the name in the field. With a saved filter, "save search" can be specified and it will update automatically.
Search by actual delivery date
Improvement | Backend | Requires support to activate: No |
You can now search for the actual delivery date in the order list. The result will show what is delivered and when it was done.
New names for PDF files
Updates | Backend | Requires support to activate: No |
The PDF files generated in the system are now given more logical names. It thus becomes easier to find the files, reducing the need to rename them manually.
The file's unique number comes first, and then what type of document it is – an example: order number_OrderConfirmation.
The unique number comes first to make filtering easier when searching.
The change only applies to the BACKEND as WMS follows a different document labelling logic.
The following files are changed:
Order Confirmation
Delivery Note (BACKEND)
Proforma Invoice
Custom Data
Purchase Document
Invoice Reminder 1
Invoice Reminder 2
Return Document
Dropship Document
Goods marking in the columns in the order view.
Updates | Backend | Requires support to activate: No |
The goods marking is now visible at row-level in the order view. This will improve the overview and make monitoring of the orders in the order view easier.
The functionality is added under the Cogwheel.
EORI number on the customer card for transport bookings outside the EU
Improvement | Backend | Requires support to activate: No |
You can now use EORI numbers to book transport with e.g. Postnord CustomsEDI via our WMS. The field can be filled with data via manual entry, API or upload files.
Digital customs clearance can save money and make exports outside the EU easier.
You may need some support to setup transport modes, please contact us if you have further questions.
General improvements in user interface
Updates | WMS | Requires support to activate: No |
We’re continuously improving the user experience and graphics of our interface. Now more than fifteen actions was made in the WMS. For example, we have removed some unnecessary buttons, corrected colors, limited the clicks when picking. Also, user-friendliness for touch screens has been improved.
For example, this box lit up green after you unchecked it before and now it doesn’t:
The button "Move complete unit" is moved
Improvement | WMS | Requires support to activate: No |
If you have several storage locations, you no longer need to scroll down and fill in the information and then scroll up again to click on the "Move complete unit" button.
Search for goods marking (handling marking) in WMS
Improvement | WMS | Requires support to activate: No |
You can now search for goods marking under "Search order" in WMS. This will enable a more detailed search for orders with a specific goods marking.
Automatic picking location reservation when loading from ERP system
New function | WMS | Requires support to activate: Yes |
If you use several warehouse areas, you can now filter orders by warehouse area as soon as they are registred in the WMS.
Before, when an order arrived in the WMS, the balance was reserved at a picking location when the picking was started or a Multipicking was created.
The feature requires WMS-admin rights.
Search on shelf
New function | WMS | Requires support to activate: Yes |
Under "Receiving pre-advised" and "Receiving unadvised" we have added the option "shelf" among warehouse area, aisle and class.
The search function is new and requires activation – if you want to know more, please contact support.
Picking stop – products with a best/before date
New function | WMS | Requires support to activate: No |
By setting a picking stop on a product in Extend Commerce Backend the picker will receive a warning in Extend Commerce WMS if the product is getting closer to a critical best/before date. The equivalent can be found today at ”Reception stop on delivery”.
This adds an extra assistance for warehouse personnel not to pick products that are outside a best-before date or that are within a limit value for the product in Extend Commerce Backend. The warning appears in ”Order Picking”, ”Multipicking” and ”Aggregated Picking”.
Extend Commerce WMS will indicate warnings on the picking page when picking is in progress.
New integration to Visma e-conomic
New function | Integration | Requires support to activate: Yes |
Visma e-conomic is an accounting program that today is used by approximately 180,000 Danish companies in various industries and of different size.
The Visma e-conomic API integration is completely new and is suitable for companies that have a registered office and/or are based in Denmark.
An additional monthly cost of SEK 1.250 is applied.
Changes in integration to Fortnox
Improvement | Integration | Requires support to activate: No |
We are now updating and improving the integration to Fortnox. This will make handling of address updating better and specifically ensure that the correct information is transferred to Fortnox when exporting invoices for shared customer numbers.
The function is activated for everyone with a Fortnox connection.