/, October, 2023, October, 2023

Below you will find information regarding what the release included for October, 2023. Release:


”Invoice registered” – new setting in Fortnox connection

New FunctionBackendRequires support to activate: No

If you have a Fortnox connection, you can now specify invoices as registered when sent from Extend Commerce to Fortnox.
Previously, the invoices were marked ”yellow” and handled manually. 

The function is available if you have a Fortnox connection.

Automated stock movement

ImprovementBackendRequires support to activate: Yes

We have expanded the” create automatic purchases” function to include automated stock movements. Let’s say you have a store warehouse that you never buy into but only move from a central warehouse when the order passes points/security stocks.

The supplier agreement states that the function is only for moving between stock units and which warehouse the movement aims at. Under “Stock” settings, you decide which stock you want to move the goods to; you then select the supplier agreement above that is the ”supplier” you want to move the goods from. Here, you can also set how often you wish to create these moves.

The function means that if, for example, you want to create automatic moves to a store, you can create a supplier agreement and choose that this is a move between stock suppliers and which stock to move products from. Then, go into the settings on the store stock and create automated purchases in line with this supplier agreement.

It is also essential that products link to the supplier agreement.

The feature is activated by Extends Commerce support.

Warehouse settings: Here you choose automatic replenishment and what supplier we should buy/move from.

Supplier Agreement: Here you choose what warehouse we should move the products from. 


More product handling values for inbound and outbound delivery

ImprovementBackendRequires support to activate: No

If you manage hardware in the form of for instance computers and products tracked by serial number, you can now add more values per device, for example, IMEI 2, computer name, and inventory name.

Earlier, the number of data values was limited.

The fields are hidden by default but can be enabled by users.


General improvements in user interface

UpdatesWMSRequires support to activate: No

We have made some minor improvements to our WMS application.
— The name of the page you are on is displayed in the web browser tab.
— The boxes for "Dangerous goods" are now hidden in the order picker if the product is not specifically classified as dangerous goods. This will make it even more apparent when handling dangerous goods.
— The page scales better at different screen sizes.

Postnord – customs handling via nShift "CustomsEDI"

New functionWMSRequires support to activate: Yes

Shipments with Postnord can now be customs cleared via nShift directly in Extend Commerce WMS.

The function means faster booking of transports, less administration, lower costs at the customs offices, and reduced manual work with printing out invoices.

To activate the feature, contact our support. Hourly cost for support and installation is added.

WMS – Order Picking

Show item description when picking

New functionWMS / Order PickingRequires support to activate: No

The item description is now retrieved from the item field "description" in Backend. This enhancement makes it possible to see up to 400 characters on the pick page in the WMS. If the description exceeds 50 characters, you can click on "...Show more" to see the remaining description and "...Show less" to hide the information.

The description provides more precise and accurate information to warehouse employees and reduces the risk of ambiguities during picking.

Since all information is in the Backend, error sources can be further minimized by entering more information about the product.

You can enable this feature under Settings in Extend Commerce WMS or contact our support.

One product number per location

New functionWMSRequires support to activate: Yes

To reduce misplacing or mispicking of products with different article numbers, these can now be blocked from specific locations.

The function is activated per storage location in the interface.
If you want to activate it in multiple warehouses, please contact our support.

Hourly cost for support during activation is added.

Faster "URGENT" report for recalls

New functionWMSRequires support to activate: No

When recalling a specific product, you can now quickly compile which orders the product has been sent on. You can easily filter the batch numbers and/or best-before dates that the recall applies to and quickly notify your customers of which products are to be recalled.


Stock balance status in the B2B webshop for the matrix & product page regarding variant products

New functionWebshopRequires support to activate: Yes

Previously, the list of search results only displayed layers. You can now see the balance status in more places in the shop. End customers get a clearer picture of balances.

Extend Commerce Support can help you activate the feature at an hourly cost for support.


API connection to Upsales

New functionIntegrationRequires support to activate: No

A new connection to the CRM application Upsales can now make sales follow-up more transparent. The function provides Upsales with information about orders and quotes created in Extend Commerce. In this case, Extend Commerce becomes the master of the data.

Users who have an Upsales account can activate the function. You can find it via Gear –> External system connections –> Create a new connection.

API integration to eFlow

New functionIntegrationRequires support to activate: Yes

Users who are suppliers to Åhléns and or KICKS can now integrate the entire order flow into Extend Commerce and picking/packaging in Extend Commerce WMS.

The integration automates the data flow in the business system and minimizes manual handling in eFlow. The entire delivery can also be done in Extend Commerce WMS using the same process as other deliveries.

The new integration also makes it possible to see orders per store in the Backend.
The process called delivery registration in eFlow has been added so that packing to the respective store can be carried out in Extend Commerce WMS.

The feature is enabled by Extend Commerce support.

The integration costs SEK 5,000 and then SEK 1,250 per month.

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