/, May 2022, May 2022

Below you will find information regarding what the release included for May 2022. Release:

The May Release includes

 Extend Commerce BACKEND 

Search orders with any parameter

ImprovementOrder bookingRequires support to activate: NO

We have removed the pre-filled date parameter in the search function. Instead you can now search for specific orders based on your preferred parameters. The search is not dependent on the dates, and in overall it is now much easier to find the right information among your orders. The “Search all” button will be activated when you have defined data in at least one search filed.

Column for Preferred Delivery Date added in Order rows

ImprovementUploadRequires support to activate: NO

We have added another column for dates in the “Order rows” page. You will now find columns for order date, preferred delivery date (this is new!) and estimated delivery date, which provides a better overview and easier handling of orders.

Change prices directly in the table

ImprovementOrder bookingRequires support to activate: NO

You can now change the price of products directly in the product list in the “Sales information” page under “Product”. All you have to do is click on the price and edit. The new price is saved automatically. However, this change only applies to price information. To change other information, click on the pen, just as before.

 Extend Commerce WMS

Pick several orders for the same shipment

New featureOrder PickingRequires support to activate: No 

When you have picked your orders, you can now – with just one click – create a shipment for all orders going to the same address. You do not need to create different shipments for each order like you did before. Multiple orders can also be picked form the same list.

Summarize information from multiple orders

New featureOrder PickingRequires support to activate: No 

You can now search and summarize information such as total weight, number of products and number of rows in the list from several orders at the same time. This facilitates the handling in the warehouse as you will get an idea of ​​the order's total weight and number of packages before you pick up the products. You can also group and arrange the information as you wish.

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