24.6 - June, 2024
  • Published
  • 24.6 - June, 2024


    We are releasing 7 new features this month and 17 changes/improvements to existing features in our systems.

    We change the numbering of releases to a more logical set: [year.month] This month it will be 24.6, in August it will be 24.8, etc.

    Release timetable

    The release will be released to:

    • s02 - the instance

      • Monday at 22:00 GMT+1, on 17/6

    • all other instances (s01, s03, s04, s05, s06, s07 + WMS)

      • Tuesday at 22:00 GMT+1 on 18/6

    ERP (Backend)


    Handling mark as standard on the customer card for orders


    Requires support to activate?



    On customer orders you can write "Handling mark", this is information that is used internally for the warehouse staff and usually does not follow to the carrier.



    Previously, it was only possible to enter this information per order manually or via API.

    Now this information can be entered via the customer's logistics settings so that the information is included as "standard" on every order.

    The information can also be uploaded via Excel or via API on the customer card.


    How to access it?

    Start page → Customer → Search for customer → Logistics settings

    New fields on the return order view


    Requires support to activate?



    On the return order view we have added 4 new fields:

    • External order number (retrieved from linked customer order, if the return is created with the link)

    • Projects (Can be used for monitoring and accounting)

    • Cause code (Can be used for follow-up)

    • Price reduction (output price to customer, not stock value)


    These fields were previously present at the row level of return orders, but now they are present at the header level, to allow faster registration of the return.



    How to access it?

    Home → Customer → Search for customer → Logistics settings


    Improvements and bug fixes

    • Reason codes per return order line could in some cases disappear if the quantity on the order line was updated.

    • The report "Arrived purchases/call-offs where supplier invoice has not been created" now includes extra costs on a purchase and has a summarized tab.

    • Email templates could get wrong when customers were linked to several customer categories at once.

    • The upload of supplier-product links sometimes resulted in stacked prices being deleted. This problem is now fixed.

    • To avoid a lot of troubleshooting & bug reporting, we remove the possibility to set the accounting currency on products. All products will default to the client's base currency.

    • "Release to stock for picking" on the order page has been corrected so that it releases the order immediately, much faster than before. The name is changed to "Force immediately for picking" instead.

    • We are releasing the new purchasing page to look at purchases in list view and purchase lines in list view. This will be followed by 'create purchase' and 'edit purchase' later in the year.

    • The "Supplier product" and "Manual invoice" pages have been redesigned.

    • It is now possible to change product handling of products with a balance. E.g. to add "IMEI" at delivery on an order to be picked.



    Assigned single picking orders can now be “aborted” back to first status


    Requires support to activate?



    In "Assigned orders" you can see multi-pick, batch pick and single pick.

    Previously, you could select an order and choose "Assign: -Blank-"

    This caused the order to disappear from the single pick list.


    Instead, the order remains unallocated.


    If you want to cancel the "allocation" completely, you can press these bins instead. Then the order is restored in its entirety.


    It is also possible to cancel a multi-pick in its entirety as long as it has not been started.



    I have also renamed the buttons to more logical names:



    How to access it?

    Main menu→ Assigned orders → Multi picking


    Quick receiving of deliveries


    Requires support to activate?



    When submitting a purchase, you need to sign line by line in the current situation.

    If you want to speed up this process, we have developed a function that allows you to select several or all rows and submit them.

    They then get the "standard" load carrier and default goods receiving area.

    If you have products that require Batch/Best before/Serial number, the button does not work. Then you need to manually deliver those rows, as long as the supplier has not pre-referenced these values already. In such cases, the function works.


    There is an additional setting that makes this quick acknowledgment go to the selected picking location that the product is connected to, instead of the goods receiving area. Support can activate this setting for you.

    How to access it?

    Main menu → Receiving

    Move picked product between packaging units


    Requires support to activate?



    When picking, you can choose to pick on packaging units directly, e.g. a carton or pallet that you have pre-defined in the system with dimensions.

    This information is later used for transport booking where it is becoming more common for the carrier to want to know which box a particular product is in (mainly for dangerous goods) but they also want to know the size and weight of each package.

    This makes the work of the picker easier by having packaging units.


    If you have picked a product to a packaging unit, it has previously been difficult to move the product to another unit (e.g. the pallet you pick on is too high).

    We have now added a "Move" button that allows you to quickly select another device to move the product to, after you have picked it.

    How to access it?

    Main menu→ Single order picking → Choose picked row with packaging unit

    Use serial numbers instead of Pallet-ID when moving products


    Requires support to activate?

    Warehouse movement


    In the system, the Smartwork code (also called Pall-ID) is commonly used to move products internally.

    This requires marking the goods with the pallet ID at the time of delivery.

    If you work with smaller products such as computers and mobile phones, they usually already have a serial number, which is a form of unique code.

    We have made it possible to search for serial numbers when moving stock in the same field where you could previously only search by pallet ID.

    We hope this will make it easier for our customers who work with it.


    How to access it?

    Main menu→ Assigned orders → Multi picking

    Quantity on back ordered rows and columns on single picking page


    Requires support to activate?

    Warehouse movement


    In the WMS, you see the remaining rows of a pick through blue lines. These show the expected delivery date that the purchase or product has in the ERP system.

    Red rows are service or shipping rows

    (At the bottom you see VAS rows)


    We have now added that you can see the number of leftover products, and added that you can choose the columns you want to see.


    How to access it?

    Main menu→ Single order picking → Choose an order with “backorder” rows.


    Improvements and bug fixes

    • Implemented full support for Fedex via Nshift for clients exporting.

    • Extended support for printing via Extend Commerce TA. E.g. dangerous goods, customs documents, etc.

    • Corrected the way we send EORI numbers for private individuals for Postnord.

    • Update on Postnord's parcel locker for Extend TA. Postnord has broken it out into a separate service, instead of being part of MyPack collect.

    • Added System Premium and Full Load for DB Schenker API.

    • It is now possible to hide the "GTIN" for those who use that number for picking as we did with the SW coder a few releases ago.

    • DHL via Extend Commerce TA ready!



    Extend webshop (b2b)



    Improvements and bug fixes

    • A bug has been fixed where the stock levels was not displaying on some webshops when the user was on page #2 of a category.

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