The document describes the steps of the Minuba connection setup with XTND Backend. The integration requires manual setup of warehouse and corporate id in both systems
Company group short name in XTND Backend must match with Corporate id in Minuba.
Warehouse short name in XTND Backend must match with warehouse-id in Minuba
Three mandatory warehouse settings for Minuba warehouses:
External System Connectors - XTND Backend
External system connectors in XTND Backend will be setup for each company group. The warehouse option mustnot be set
The access token is normally the same for all of one client's Minuba integrations/channels.
Only the Secret varies.
Common issues
Symptom: No hook event is sent to Extend from Minuba when a new order is added.
Solution: In some cases having a blank space in company group short name of Minuba has caused this issue. Replacing with for example an _ character has solved the issue.