Customer order
Description of message flow regarding new customer order messages sent to Extend Commerce BACKEND.
Only new customer order messages is sent, change and cancellation is not possible.
XML Struktur
Element | Code | Mand. | Explanation |
DateTime | Y | Date and time stamp when message was created | |
DocumentNumber | N | Counter for document no | |
DocumentVersion | N | Document version | |
DocumentName | N | Document name | |
ToPartnerUser | Y | Short name [KORT] on the client the message refers to. Code available from contact person for integration. | |
ToPartner | Y | [KORT] | |
FromPartnerUser | Y | [KORT] | |
FromPartner | N | Fixed value, Short name loading system |
LxirEnvelope /Body(1)
LxirEnvelope /Body /LxirCustomerOrder(n)
Element | Code | Mand. | Explanation |
OperationCode | Y | OperationCode for Order valid values 1 | |
Number | Y | Internal ordernumber | |
OrderDate | N | Orderdate (ÅÅÅÅ-MM-DD hh:mm) | |
AskedDeliveryDate | Y | Desired delivery date (ÅÅÅÅ-MM-DD tt:mm) (enligt incoterms) | |
Notes | N | Notes | |
OrderType | N | Order type (1 "Normalorder", 2 "Quickorder",4 "Expressorder",2048 "Season order",4096 "Webshop order") Default is 1 “NormalOrder” if elementet is missing. | |
OrderSource | N | Order source | |
PaymentType | Y | Payment (INV "Billing", AUTO Autogiro", ADV "Advance payment", FAC "Factoring", CAS "Cash payment", LAS "Last schrift", CC "Credit card", MOH "Manual on hold", FAM "Invoice me") | |
FreightFree | Y | freight free | |
OrderNumberEndCustomer | N | Ordernummer for end customer | |
YourReference | N | Your reference | |
OurReference | N | Our reference | |
InvoiceEmail | N | E-mail address for invoice. Can put attribute in this element to control which system is master: DataMaster = "Internal" atl. "External". | |
OrderEmail | N | E-mail address for invoice. Can put attribute in this element to control which system is master: DataMaster = "Internal" atl. "External". | |
OrderPhoneNumber | N | Phone number | |
AdvisePhoneNumber | N | Advise phone number | |
PartialDelivery | N | Allow partial delivery of orders. The item is omitted completely if value is missing and default value is to be used. | |
TransportCondition | N | Transport Conditions | |
DeliveryMethod | N | Method of delivery, Can put attribute in this element to control which system is master: DataMaster = "Internal" then Backend will set the method. | |
HandlingMark | N | Handling remark | |
ShippingMark | N | Shippment remark | |
ClientSalesChannelId | N | This field is for Extend internal use and is normally not set by an external integrating party. It must exist if LxirCustomerOrder is used for a Extend Commerce Backend Sales Channel integration. | |
OrderReviewReasonNotes | N | Any reason to force the order to be reviewed in review que in Extend Commerce Backend can be entered here. Requires Extend Commerce Backend configuration to be enabled for review que processing. | |
SalesChannel | N | Freetext data to describe which sales channel the order originates from. For reporting and statistics. | |
DeliveryLocationId | N | The identity of any servicepoint location connected to the current Delivery method being used |
Element | Code | Mand. | Explanation |
OperationCode | N | Operational code for customer valid value is 1 | |
Number | N | Customer number | |
CustomerType | 1 (Private) 2 (Business) 4(Unknown) 8 (Reseller) | N | Customer Type (according to valid customer types, see code field). The item is omitted completely if value is missing and default value is to be used. |
CustomerGroup | N | Customer group as a customer should belong to | |
CompanyOrName | Y | Delivery name | |
LastName | N | Private customers only | |
InvoiceName | Y | Name of invoice | |
VATNumber | N | VAT-Nummer | |
PaymentTermsNumberOfDays | N | Normal number of days (For calculation of due date) | |
InternalCustomer | N | Internal customer | |
PalletRegistrationNumber | N | Pallet registration number. Can put attribute in this element to control which system is master: DataMaster = "Internal" atl. "External". |
Element | Code | Mand. | Explanation |
Type | *** | Y | Values "Delivery" "Invoice" ("Delivery" mandatory ) |
DataMaster | *** | N | Value ”Internal” ”External” |
Address1 | Y | Address field 1 | |
Address2 | N | Address field 2 | |
Address3 | N | Address field 3 | |
PostalCode | Y | Postal code (will be validated) | |
City | Y | City | |
State | N | State | |
CountryCode | Y | Country code (SE=Sverige) (ISO 3166-1) |
Element | Code | Mand. | Explanation |
ExternalFreeTextData | N | Free text data that could be sent back in order confirmation or despatch advise |
Element | Code | Mand. | Explanation |
PaymentReference | N | Contains any payment reference to the order being processed | |
PaymentProvider | N | Payment provider | |
Amount | N | The amount |
Element | Code | Mand. | Explanation |
OperationCode | Y | OperationCode valid values 1 | |
Position | Y | Position (row number) | |
SubPosition | J | Sub position (row) | |
Notes | N | Notes for order row | |
ProductNumber | Y | Product number | |
ProductName | N | Produkt name | |
OrderQuantity | Y | Order Quantity | |
SalesUnit | Y | Unit for ordering | |
Price | N | Price per unit | |
Currency | Y | Currency ID ex. SEK,EUR USD (ISO 4217) | |
VatPercent | N* | VAT percent. It is possible to put attribute in this element to control which system is master: DataMaster = "Internal" alt. "External". This attribute is optional. If not set, default is "External", meaning VATPercent will be processed from XML data. If set to Internal, the XML element content will be skipped and order process will try fetch VAT from the Extend pricelist (min price) for the customer. | |
HandlingMark | N | Handling notes | |
ShippingMark | N | Shipping notes | |
CustomerProductNumber | N | Customer product number | |
WarehouseIdentifier | N | Warehouse short name | |
ExplicitCost | N | Defined cost of the product. decimal | |
ExplicitCostCurrency | N | Currency code e.g. SEK, EUR USD (ISO 4217) | |
GTIN | N | Barcode |