MyMPS EDI-Purchase Order
EDI-Purchase Order
1 General
1.1 System
MyMPS is a DBSCHENKER application developed to support handling of marine parts. It is built on modern Internet technology, and can easily be accessed from anywhere in the world without any installation.
The system is a multi-layer architecture, developed in .Net and running on Windows and MS SQL
1.2 Description
This document explains how MyMPS can get purchase order automatically from another system. This is the specification. This document explains the Purchase Order that is sent from the External system to MyMPS.
1.3 Architecture
An exemplified overview of the set-up, this based on MyMPS standard format which is included in the document. This document describes Purchase Order.
2 EDI integration – Purchase Order
MyMPS standard is to receive xml-files via ftp. In other formats we need to map the file into MyMPS.
2.1 File content
Schenker Fields | Data Type | Description |
Reference-related: | ||
FromPartner | V 50 | Client ID, provided from MyMPS |
ToPartner | Fixed | "MyMPS" |
DateTime | YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss | Date for messages |
ReferensNumber | Integer | Unique reference number for message |
Operation Code | New=9 / Update=5 / Cancelled=1 / Automatic=13, only possible when an order has status pending or new | |
Reference | V 50 | Buyer's PO Reference Number |
Subject | V 50 | PO Subject |
Date | D | Date order is issued |
RequisitionNO | V15 | Requisition number |
Vessel-related: | ||
Vessel Name | V 50 | Vessel Name |
IMO Number | V 12 | Vessel IMO Number |
Vessel Code | V 50 | Vessel Code |
Vessel Email | V 100 | Vessel e-mail address |
Port& Dates: | ||
Port | V 200 | PortBuyer |
Country | Country | |
Vessel ETA | D | Estimated time of arrival |
Vessel ETD | D | Estimated time of departure |
Delivery Date and time | D | Delivery date to Schenker |
Promised Date(supplier) | D | Supplier's promised |
Delivery-related: | ||
Delivery to | V 512 | Delivery address |
Delivery terms | V 200 | FOB, EXW etc |
Freight Forwarder | V 512 | Chosen Freightforwarder |
Transport Mode | V 20 | Maritime, Air, Rail etc |
Packaging Instructions | V 2048 | Packing instructions from |
Buyer: | ||
Company | V 80 | Buyer company name |
Contact | V 80 | Buyer company contact |
Telephone | V 50 | Buyer contact telephone |
V 100 | Buyer contact e-mail | |
Supplier: | ||
Company | V 80 | Supplier Company name |
Contact | V 80 | Supplier company contact |
Telephone | V 50 | Supplier contact telephone |
V 100 | Supplier contact e-mail | |
Terms: | ||
Tax Status | V 1 | Tax status |
General Terms and Conditions | V 2048 | General Terms and conditions |
Currency | V 12 | Order Currency |
Line Item Count | N4 | Number of line items on order |
Comments: | ||
Buyer /Supplier Comments | V 2048 | Comments on order |
Cost/Price-related Totals: | ||
Subtotal | N 18,4 | Order subtotal |
Total(Final) | N 18,4 | Total order (including freight or other costs) |
Line Item Details: | ||
Item No | N 5 | Sequential line item number |
Item Quantity | N 11,4 | Quantity |
Unit | V 12 | Unit of measure |
Description | V 512 | Product description |
Id Type | V 12 | Part Number Type (ISSA,IMPA etc) |
Id Code | V 512 | Part Number |
Unit Price | N 18,4 | Unit price, discount included |
Discount | In percent | |
CustomsTarifNumber | Customs tariff number |
2.2 File format
Document will be encoded using UTF-8.
2.2.1 XMLStructure
<Header ... />
<OrderInfo> ... </OrderInfo>
<Vessel> ... </Vessel>
<Port> ... </Port>
<Delivery> ... </Delivery>
<Buyer> ... </Buyer>
<Supplier> ... </Supplier>
<LineItem> ... </LineItem>
<LineItem> ... </LineItem>
<LineItem> ... </LineItem>
<OrderInfo> ... </OrderInfo>
<Vessel> ... </Vessel>
<Port> ... </Port>
<Delivery> ... </Delivery>
<Buyer> ... </Buyer>
<Supplier> ... </Supplier>
<LineItem> ... </LineItem>
<LineItem> ... </LineItem>
<LineItem> ... </LineItem>
Element | Man | Explanation | Type |
Header | 1 | Header | |
Body | 1 | Body |
Element | Man | Explanation | Type |
PurchaseOrder | 1 | PurchaseOrder |
Element | Man | Explanation | Type |
Order | 1..9999 | PurchaseOrder |
Element | Man | Explanation | Type |
OrderInfo | 1 | Basic orer info | OrderInfo |
Vessel | 1 | Vessel | |
Port | 0..1 | Port | |
Delivery | 1 | Delivery | |
Buyer | 1 | Contact | |
Supplier | 0..1 | Contact | |
LineItems | 0..1 | LineItems |
Element | Man | Explanation | Type |
LineItem | 0..9999 | LineItem |
Attribute | Code | Man | Explanation | Type |
FromPartner | Y | Provided from MyMPS team | string(50) | |
FromPartnerUser | Y | string(50) | ||
ToPartner | MYMPS | Y | Fixed | |
ToPartnerUser | Y | string(50) | ||
DateTime | Y | Time when message was created | dateTime | |
DocumentVersion | 1.0 | Y | Version of this fileformat | string(10) |
DocumentNumber | Y | Unique reference number for message. first message no 1 then 2,3 etc | Unsigned integer, max: 2147483647 | |
DocumentName | PURCHASEORDER | Y | Message name ”PURCHASEORDER” | Fixed |
Element | Code | Man | Explanation | Type |
OperationCode | 13= Automatic | Y | Updates on existing order, only possible with the MyMPS status Pending and New. | Integer: 1, 5 or 9 |
RefNo | Y | Buyer's PO Reference Number | string(50) | |
Subject | N | PO Subject | String(50) | |
OrderDate | Y | Date order is issued | dateTime | |
RequisitionNumber | N | RequisitionNumber | string(15) | |
TaxStatus | N | Exempt - Specifically exempt from taxation according to tax codes, typically because of the party involved NotTaxable - Not subject to tax according to tax codes, typically because of the items involved Taxable - Subject to taxation according to tax codes | String(50) | |
GeneralTerms | N | General Terms and conditions | string(2048) | |
Currency | Y | Order Currency | ISO 4217 string(3) | |
LineCount | Y | Number of line items on order | Integer 1-9999 | |
Comments | N | Comments on order | String(2048) | |
Subtotal | Y | Order subtotal | Decimal(18.4) | |
Total | Y | Total order (including freight or other costs) | Decimal(18.4) | |
CountryOfOrigin | N | Country of origin | ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 | |
CustomsTarifNumber | N | Customs tariff number | String(512) | |
Priority | N | Priority | String(250) | |
Description | N | Description | String(500) |
Attribute | Code | Man | Explanation | Type |
Name | Y | Vessel name | string |