
We are releasing 12 new major enhancements/features and 21 changes/minor improvements to existing features in our systems this month.

Release schedule

The release will be released to:

s02 + s03 + S07 + Linab - instance - Tuesday approx. 21:00 - 22:00 CET, 11/3

All other instances:

s01, s04, s05, s06, s08 + WMS - Wednesday approx. 21:00 - 22:00 CET, 12/3

ERP (Backend)


Extended information in the "CustomerOrder" API


How to find the function?

Order API!/CustomerOrders/CustomerOrders_GetOrder

For clients who want more details about what has happened in the WMS, we have now expanded the information in the API regarding customer orders.

More information about the number of pallets booked:
Pickers can now enter how many pallets have been used for the delivery in the WMS. Previously, only the number of packages was shown, but some integrations also need pallet information to be able to charge their customers correctly in other systems.

Detailed information about the contents of each package:
On each order line, there can be several packages. Previously, only the package number was shown, with no details about how many products from an order line were in each package. Now we have added this information and added support for SSCC (Serial Shipping Container Code). The SSCC is a unique serial number that can be set up in the WMS, allowing the recipient to verify incoming goods in their warehouse systems.

Please note that the unit is always the base unit of the product and not the selling unit. The same applies to quantity.

Extended information in Webhook "BalanceChanged"


How to find the function?



Webhooks are signals that the Backend can send out when something has happened in the Extend, allowing the receiver to take action.

Previously, the balance adjustment webhook only showed the new balance after the change, without specifying how much was actually adjusted.

Now we've added the "quantity" field to the webhook call, making it easier for integrations to keep track of balance changes.

This improvement applies to the following types of balance adjustments:

  • Intake/Receiving

  • ItemChangeSI

  • ItemChangeMI

  • ItemChangeMR

  • ItemChangeST

  • ItemChangeSK

  • ItemChangeIS


The quantity is in the base unit of the product

Customizable number series


How to find the function?

General settings

General settings > Client settings.

We've now introduced a setting that allows customers to configure number sequences for the following categories:

  • Order number (Prefix support)

  • Purchase number (Prefix support)

  • Direct delivery (Prefix support)

  • Invoice number (Start number only)

  • Customer number (Start number only)

  • Product number (Start number only)

    Main features:

  • Administrative access: Only users with administrator rights can change the setting.

  • Validation:

    • Only higher start numbers than the current one are allowed.

    • Only numeric values are accepted for start numbers.

    • Prefixes can contain alphanumeric characters and be validated against length restrictions.

  • Immediate application: Changes to number series and prefixes are saved and applied immediately upon confirmation.

  • Logging: All changes are logged, including previous and new values, users, and time.

This update provides greater flexibility and control over number sequences, making it easier to adapt to the needs of your business.


Improved management of price per purchase unit when purchasing


How to find the function?


Product → Product number → Supplier/Stock

  • Purchasing in Product Units:

    • The price is now displayed correctly according to the purchase price per unit of product.

    • The vendor agreement price update now works as expected.

    • Corrected the device display (previously 0.01 PKG/PCE, now correctly displayed as 100 PCE/PKG).

  • Other Product Units:

    • The price display on the purchase line was previously twice as high as expected; this has been corrected.

    • When previewing and updating, purchasing units were displayed incorrectly (50 PC/CRT instead of 0.02 KRT/PC); this has now been fixed.

    • For some product units, the price was incorrectly multiplied by 2 without any change; this is now fixed.

Recent Changes and Bug Fixes:

  • Purchases through the interface showed incorrect prices after confirmation.

  • When updating a row without changes, the price was multiplied by the current price – this has been fixed.

  • The prefilled quantity of 0.50 was incorrect and linked to another task – this is now fixed.

  • Price display adjustments on updates, including column width adjustment.

Product Placement and General Improvements:

  • When adding a product via the "Add product" button, it could not be searched for again – this has now been corrected.

  • The same product could be added via direct search on the line – this is now fixed.

  • The price of the line in the "Add Product" popup was incorrect on some product units – this has been fixed.

  • The pre-filled quantity in the search list on the row was shown the same for all suppliers – this is now adjusted.

  • When purchasing, the price in the supplier agreement was not updated according to the supplier's settings – this has now been fixed.

  • If possible, the purchase unit is now displayed along with the price.

API and Import-Related Improvements:

  • PurchaseOrder API PUT now retrieves the correct values from the product supplier instead of the product's basic data when using another purchasing device.

  • Purchase Upload previously did not accept other product units and always used the purchase unit from the product's base data – this has now been corrected.


Ability to change the name/description of payment types


How to find the function?


General Settings → Order Settings

We have now added support for editing "Description" on payment types in the backend settings. This allows customers to reuse existing payment methods without causing confusion.

Previously, payment types couldn't be renamed, which meant that customers needed to use existing payment methods for new purposes. For example, "Amazon pre-paid" has been reused for "Qliro pre-paid", which has created ambiguity.

Improvements and changes:

Admins can now change the "Description" for payment types.

Shortname remains immutable to ensure system stability.

Updated names/descriptions are reflected in:

Order list

Order detail view

Customer master data view

Excel upload

Careful review has been conducted to ensure that no existing features are negatively impacted by this change.

This update provides greater flexibility in managing payment types and improves the clarity of the system.


Collection of general fixes and translations


How to find the function?


See below

We continuously collect small improvements from our customers and implement the change at the same time.

General fixes & translations:

Order Lines: Sales unit is now displayed consistently for both regular and dropship orders.

New Customer MVC: Several translation fixes, including buttons and field labels.

Visibility settings: Hidden fields (e.g. IBANs) will no longer appear when they should be hidden.

Create Note: The button has been moved to the "Notes" section and is now visible on all tabs.

Customer MVC: Fixed broken buttons and removed unnecessary cancel buttons.

Page layouts: Improved spacing and readability on different pages.

Statistical category: Now works correctly on the new Customer MVC.

Posting rules: Translations added for system-generated transactions.

Fonts & Buttons: Uniform font and button design across the system.

Vendor page: Fixed inconsistent button styles and translations.

Vendor agreement: Fixed issues with product coupling and default currency that are now set to the customer's base currency.

Translations: Improved translations for invoices, reports, exchange rates, and discounts.


Visibility of settings in old Customer MVC restored.

Missing logistics settings have been restored.

Selecting the default transport mode is enabled again.

Fixed incorrect default currency in vendor agreements.

These updates improve the user experience, consistency, and translation accuracy across the system.

Minor improvements & bug fixes



Moving stock balance between product numbers


How to find the function?

Product/Warehouse Moves

Main menu → Search product → Balance list

This update introduces the ability to move inventory balance between product numbers in WMS without affecting traceability.

Users can search for a product number, select one or more pallets, and enter the new product number to which the balance should be moved.

The system validates that the move is possible and blocks it if, for example, one of the selected pallets is reserved, picked or is in a place where only one product number can occur.

All adjustments are logged in the Item Log along with references to both the old and new product number, and a notification is sent to the ERP to record the balance change.

The interface for managing this under "Balance List" is updated with a new button, "With selected rows", which manages the balance flow. The existing print function is moved into a submenu below this button.

To ensure the integrity of the system, unique Smartwork codes are retained, and the compatibility of the configurable properties of the products is validated before a move is carried out. The function does not affect the FIFO logic, as the "Added" date is retained when moving the balance sheet.

You will also see a log of moves under "Unquoted receipts"

Merging pallet IDs / SW codes


How to find the function?

Pallet Aggregation

Main Menu → Pallet Aggregation

On this page we have added 2 new tabs that will facilitate merging of pallet ID / SW codes (Same thing with different names)

Product/warehouse location

Used when you know the product and the warehouse location you want to merge, or if you just want to merge specific pallets in one place that contains many pallets.



Is an automatic function that searches for all pallets that can be merged, and allows you to merge an entire warehouse with 1 button press


This validates whether the best before/batch matches

Cannot be used on serial number products

It is always the oldest SW code / Pall ID that is added to and is "left" after the marl.

Device Management Clarification: KG/Liter/Meter


How to find the function?

See below


In this release, we are implementing a major change in WMS to improve clarity around device management in different views. We've received feedback from customers that it can be difficult to tell which device is being used and that the numbers are large when we display the smallest device, so we're updating the system to make this easier.

What's changing?
All products that are currently shown in grams (g), hectograms (hg), centimeters (cm), decimeters (dm), milliliters (ml) and centiliters (cl) will be converted in the views and shown in kilograms (kg), liters (L) and meters (m). The system will automatically convert and display the units in these formats for better clarity and cohesion throughout the system.

Where is this affected?
Examples of views where this change will take effect include:

The balance list


Warehouse moves

Fill up picking spots

Multi pick

Single pick

How does this affect the work?
You can still work with grams, for example, but it will be important to enter values in the new units. For example, 100 g must be specified as 0.1 kg when moving inventory.

What is not affected?
This change doesn't affect the selling unit. The sales unit of the products will work just as today and continue to display the exact picking format.

Automatic creation of transport packages


How to find the function?


Transport booking

More and more carriers are starting to get stricter with weights being stated when booking transport. Extend commerce has also noticed that they are starting to be interested in the dimensions as well, in order to optimize their fill rate in the trucks.

In the WMS, preparations have begun for this requirement and the WMS can now create a standard package/package for orders that you "pack" the products in.

Then we convert these pack packages to transport packages automatically through a setting, which means that the WMS then informs the carrier how many packages and the dimensions of these packages.

This has previously required the picker to press this button, but now you don't need it anymore.

Notify support at Extend if you want this activated.

New view for completed receipts


How to find the function?


Notified receipt → Tab "Completed receipts"

Users sometimes accidentally click wrong and cancel printing of all stock labels after finishing a receipt. There is no way to open this up and print the labels again. It can also be useful for users to be able to see which receptions they have previously completed, to make it easier to find where they have placed the pallets in the warehouse and more.

A new tab has been implemented under "Pre-Notified Receipt", similar to the one for "Unannounced Receipt", where users can now see previously completed receipts.

Users can see who finished the line and when it was completed.

The new tab allows users to find clinics for which they may need to reprint labels.

(The design is conceptual, the final design can be discussed after rough estimation.)


Only the last 30 completed appointments are shown. If the user wants to see more, a search function and filters can be added.

Only fully completed deliveries are shown.

UI improvements and changes to the WMS


How to find the function?



The following changes and improvements have been implemented to improve the user interface and functionality of the WMS:

Order batch picking: Improvements to the user interface for batch picking.

Manual receiving: Hidden red warning boxes if empty, same logic as in single picks and pre-announced deliveries.

Reports: All blue asterisks are replaced with red asterisks after the text on the report pages.

Inventory: The same change as above is also made on the inventory count page.

Searching for identical orders: Improved layout for long product names, with maximum width to prevent horizontal stretching.

VAS order list: Updating the VAS order list to be consistent with the regular order list.

Footer on pages with little content: Adjustment of the footer to remain at the bottom of pages even when there is little content. Reference

Layout issues on the Merge Pallets page: Fix for layout issues that occur on some screen sizes by surrounding each pair with a row.

Product Page - Location Search: Improved location search functionality, where an error message is no longer displayed when the user clicks on a row.

English translations: Change the term "Reverse order" to "Revert order" for better translation.

Order Assigned - Total Order Display: Change in the display of Assigned Orders, with a new column to show the total number of orders.

Language in country selection: Regardless of the browser's language, Swedish is now shown in the country list if Swedish language is used, otherwise English.

These changes improve both the user interface and functionality of the system, ensuring a more consistent user experience.

Minor improvements & bug fixes

Extend webshop (b2b)


Improvements & bug fixes

Nothing this time