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The flow describes the arrangement of new purchase order and return order, as well as change and cancellation. Return orders are handled as a customer order type in LXIR and as a purchase order type in the EWS. Everything that is called the purchase order or row below also applies to return orders.
Purchase orders are called Call-off orders in LXIR.
Addition of new purchase order line / return order line cannot be done.
Change of purchase order / return order can be made. This occurs when changing the delivery date and or number. Cancellation can be made by full purchase order / return order but not line. However, cancellation of the purchase order line / return order line takes place during partial storage as the old line is replaced with a new one and this in order to reduce the risk of mis-storage. If DELVRY arrives at the ready-marked line, it must be rejected and alerted.
No feedback is made from the EWS in addition to the submission of registration.
A PURORD does not have to mean that there will be a DELVRY in response to all purchase order lines / return order lines, but the answer to these can come in several separate DELVRY messages. This happens when certain lines in a PURORD are answered but not all simultaneously. There should be no more answers with reference to the same POR and associated sequence number in different messages. If this happens, the answer must be rejected and an alarm added to the error log. On the other hand, there may be several answers to the same purchase order line / return order line and sequence number in the same message.
LXIR EWS only works with balances, not the term "be".
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XML structure LXIRSubOrder (1) Envelope (1) LXIRSubOrder Attribute | Code | Mand | Explanation | Lxir | EWS | Comment | FromPartner |
| Y | From system | X | X |
| FromPartnerUser |
| Y | Users from system / client | X | X |
| ToPartner |
| Y | To system | X | X |
| ToPartnerUser |
| Y | User System / Client | X | X |
| DateTime |
| N | Time to create the message (YY-MM-DD hh: mm) | X | X |
| ReferensNumber |
| Y | The reference number of the message | X | X |
| InterchangeTest |
| N |
| - | - | deleted |
LXIRSubOrder Header (1-999) HeaderInfo (1) LXIRSubOrder Attribute | Code | Mand | Explanation | Lxir | EWS | Comment | DocumentNumber |
| Y | Callback reference number | X | X |
| DocumentName | PURORD | Y | Call-off name: PURORD | X | X |
| CreationDate |
| N |
| - | X |
Header SubOrderHeader (1) LXIRSubOrder Header SubOrderHeader SubOrderHeaderInfo (1) Attribute | Code | Mand | Explanation | Lxir | EWS | Comment | OrderNumber |
| Y | Purchase order number alt. Return Order Number. See note below. | X | X |
| OrderType | IN RV KR
| Y | Purchase Order Type IN = Normal RV = Claim Order KR = Return Order | X X X X | X X - X |
| SupplierId |
| Y | Supplier Number. For return orders, client time is sent (see requirement) | X | X |
| SupplierName |
| N | Name of supplier | X | X |
| WarehouseId | ass | Y | Stock name in / EWS | X | X |
| ArrivalDate |
| Y | Expected delivery date (YY-MM-DD hh: mm) | X | X |
| SupplierOrderNumber |
| N | Order number from supplier |
| X |
| Reference |
| N | Reference |
| X |
| Notes |
| N | Public notes | X | X |
| InternalNotes |
| N | Internal notes | X | X |
| SequenceNumber |
| N |
| WarehouseSection |
| N |
| ExternalOrderNumber |
| N |
HeaderAds (1) LXIRSubOrder Attribute | Code | Mand | Explanation | Lxir | EWS | Comment | OperationCode | 1
2 3 0 | Y | Type New purchase order / return order Change purchase order / return order Cancel purchase order / return order No handling. Used when the purchase order line / return order line is changed | X X X X X | X X X X X |
LXIRSubOrder Header SubOrderHeader SubOrderRow (1-99999) SubOrderRowInfo (1) LXIRSubOrder Attribute | Code | Mand | Explanation | Lxir | EWS | Comment | OrderPosition |
| Y | Purchase order line alt. Returorderrad | X | X |
| OrderSubPosition |
| Y | Sub-item to the purchase order line / return order line. | X | X |
| OwnerNumber |
| Y | Client affiliation, ex.NASE (VMI) | X | X |
| ArticleId |
| Y | Article | X | X |
| PackageId | ST
M | Y | Unit ST = Piece M = Meter | X | X |
| OrderQuantity |
| Y | Ordered quantity | X | X | Always in stock unit | RevisionCode |
| N |
| - | - |
| SupplierArticleId |
| N | The supplier's item number. Not sent on return orders | X | X |
| ArrivalDate |
| Y | Expected delivery date (YY-MM-DD hh: mm) | X | X |
SubOrderRowAdditions (1) LXIRSubOrder Attribute | Code | Mand | Explanation | Lxir | EWS | Comment | OperationCode | 1 2 3
| Y | Type New order of purchase order line / return order line Change of purchase order line / return order line Cancel purchase order line / return order line | X X X X | X X X X |
Panel |
title | LXIRSubOrderResult, DELVRY |
XML structureLXIRSubOrderResult (1) Envelope (1) LXIRSubOrderResult Attribute | Code | Mand | Explanation | Lxir | EWS | Comment | FromPartner |
| Y | From system | X | X |
| FromPartnerUser |
| Y | Users from system / client | X | X |
| ToPartner |
| Y | To system | X | X |
| ToPartnerUser |
| Y | User System / Client | X | X |
| DateTime |
| N | Time to create the message (YY-MM-DD hh: mm) | X | X |
| ReferensNumber |
| Y | The reference number of the message | X | X |
| InterchangeTest |
| N | Indicates test message | X | X |
Header (1) HeaderInfo (1) Attribute | Code | MAN | Explanation | Lxir | EWS | Comment | CreationDate |
| Y | Created date | X | X |
| DocumentNumber |
| Y | Call-off message reference number | X | X |
| DocumentName | DELVER | Y | Name of call-off message: DELVER | X | X |
LXIRSubOrderResult \ t SubOrderHeaderInfo (1) LXIRSubOrderResult Attribute | Code | Mand | Explanation | Lxir | EWS | Comment | DeliveryNumber |
| N | Delivery identity. Not treated | - | X |
| WareHouseId |
| Y | Stock name in EWS | X | X |
| ArrivalDate |
| Y | Time for start of delivery registration | X | X |
| SupplierId |
| N |
| X | X |
| OrderNumber |
| Y | Purchase order number / Return order number | X | X |
| ExternalOrderNumber |
| N | External order number | X |
| SequenceNumber |
| Y | Purchase order / return order sequence number | X |
| OrderType | IN RV KR
| Y | Purchase Order Type IN = Normal RV = Claim Order KR = Return Order | X X X X | X X X X |
| WarehouseSection |
| N | CAMPSITE | X |
| DeliveryNote |
| N | Comments from warehouse personnel regarding delivery note. No handling LXIR | X | X |
| ConsNote |
| N | Waybill number. No handling LXIR. | X | X |
| Employee |
| Employee who receives the delivery | - | X |
| CancelRemaining | 0 1 | N | Will cancel all rows not received in this message | X |
SubOrderRow (1-99999) LXIRSubOrderResult SubOrderRowInfo (1) LXIRSubOrderResult SubOrderRowInfo Attribute | Code | Mand | Explanation | Lxir | EWS | Comment | ArticleId |
| Y | Article | X | X |
| OwnerNumber |
| Y | Client name in EWS (Item owner) | X | X |
| PackageId | ST M
| Y | Unit ST = Piece M = Meter | X X X | X X X |
| DeliveredQuantity |
| Y | Delivered amount. Total, included with possibly blocked in .. DeliveryBlocked BlockedQuantity | X | X |
| OrderPosition |
| Y | Line position | X | X |
| OrderSubPosition |
| Y | Row Subposition | X | X |
| OrderNumber |
| Y | Purchase order number / Return order number | X | X |
| RevisionCode |
| N | revision code | X | X |
| CustomerNumber |
| N | Customer number, not used | X | X |
| SupplierArticleId |
| N | The supplier's item number | X | X |
| AddressIdentity |
| N | Address identity, not used | X | X |
| ItemId |
| N | Vending Identity | - | - |
| Weight |
| N | Weight | X | X |
| CancelRemainingRow | 0 1 | N | If true, the remaining part of a partially received row will be cancelled. Default is false. Default behavior is to handle remaining part of a row as a new sub position to be handöed later. | X |
DeliveryBlocked (0-1) LXIRSubOrderResult Attribute | Code | Mand | Explanation | Lxir | EWS | Comment | BlockCode | XX | Y | However, different codes should be handled as a block regardless of code | X | - |
| PackageId | ST | Y | Unit | X | - |
| BlockedQuantity |
| Blocked number | X | - |
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Over-delivery is not allowed, parent system must be updated and changed line sent before placing in storage. |
XSD files (Lxir Sub Order)
View file |
name | LXIRSubOrderLWSPurord1_0.xsd |
height | 250 |
XSD Files (Lxir Sub Order Result)
View file |
name | LXIRSubOrderResult.xsd |
height | 250 |
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Panel |
| <? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8"?> - < LXIRSubOrder > < Envelope FromPartner = " XOE " FromPartnerUser = " KERAKOLL " ToPartner = " EWS " ToPartnerUser = " KERAKOLL " DateTime = " 2008-02-06 18:17 " ReferenceNumber = " 238 " /> - < Header > < HeaderInfo DocumentNumber = " 001238 " DocumentName = " PURORD " /> - < SubOrderHeader > < SubOrderHeaderInfo OrderNumber = " 8 " OrderType = " IN " SupplierId = " KERAKOLL " SupplierName = " Kerakoll SpA " WarehouseId = " CLUT " ArrivalDate = " 2008-03-06 10:00 " /> < SubOrderHeaderAdditions OperationCode = " 1 " /> - < SubOrderRow > < SubOrderRowInfo OrderPosition = " 10 " OrderSubPosition = " 0 " OwnerNumber = " KERAKOLL " ArticleId = " 01151 " PackageId = " SOCK " OrderQuantity = ” 42 ” SupplierArticleId = ” 01151 ” ArrivalDate = ” 2008-03-06T10: 00: 00 ” /> < SubOrderRowAdditions OperationCode = " 1 " /> </ SubOrderRow > </ SubOrderHeader > </ Header > </ LXIRSubOrder > |
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| <? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "ISO-8859-1"?> - < LXIRSubOrderResult > < Envelope FromPartner = " EWS " FromPartnerUser = " KERAKOLL " ToPartner = " XOE " ToPartnerUser = " KERAKOLL " DateTime = " 2008-03-12 15:32 " ReferenceNumber = " 0010000080 " InterchangeTest = "" /> - < Header > < HeaderInfo CreationDate = " 2008-03-12 15:32 " DocumentName = " DELVRY " DocumentNumber = " 0010000080 " /> - < SubOrderHeader > < SubOrderHeaderInfo DeliveryNumber = " 29 " WarehouseId = " CLJO " ArrivalDate = ” 2008-03-12 15:27:21 ” SupplierId = ” 0 ” OrderNumber = ” RP-28 ” SequenceNumber = ”” OrderType = ” IN ” WarehouseSection = ” " DeliveryNote =" " ConsNote =" " Employee =" Picker 1 "/> - < SubOrderRow > < SubOrderRowInfo ArticleId = " 01046 " OwnerNumber = " 541 " PackageId = " SOCK " DeliveredQuantity = " 126 " OrderPosition = " 10 " OrderSubPosition = " 1 " OrderNumber = " RP-28 " RevisionCode = "" CustomerNumber = "" SupplierArticleId = " 01046 " AddressIdentity =" " ItemId =" " Weight =" 25000 "/> </ SubOrderRow > </ SubOrderHeader > </ Header > </ LXIRSubOrderResult > |
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title | Document version history |
Version | Date | Author/change | Commenct | A | 2003-02-17 | Joakim Petersson | Move the document to LXIRNG with new document no. | PA1 | 2004-01-02 | Joakim Petersson | Added SupName | B | 2004-02-13 | Erik Sylvan | Changed the document to describe the XML messages between LXIR and LWS / EWS, added example messages. | PC | 2008-03-18 | Björn Johansson | Adjusted from lXIR3 and EWS | C | 2008-03-31 | Martin Fransson | Accepted | C1 | 2008-05-05 | Lasse Sääf | Set ReferenceNumber to Mandatory | D | 2010-09-10 | Björn Johansson | Deleted relationships with LWS and published on sharepoint | E | 2012-02-27 | Lasse Sääf | Adjusted Description OwnerNumber | PF | 2014-12-01 | David Frendin | Added Notes and InternalNotes fields to LXIRSubOrder | G | 2015-09-21 | Lasse Sääf | Suborder Notes InternalNotes EWS Support | H | 2022-02-05 | Zohaib Anees | Added SequenceNumber, WarehouseSection, ExternalOrderNumber at LxirSubOrder header level And added ExternalOrderNumber in LxirSubOrderResult at header level |
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